Alakazam's Main Mech Warrior 2 Index

Welcome to my Mech Warrior 2 Homepage. This main  index is for you to choose which other index you want. Index 1 has music on the main page, but Index 2 does not have music on it's main page. I'm glad you decided to come visit my mech Warrior 2 page because I've really worked hard on it so you can enjoy it more than some of the other Mech Warrior 2 websites out there on the world wide web.

Index 1 (music)                           Index 2  (no music)

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(this option is only available on this page.)

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"The objective of war is peace, peace is the objective of war" - Alakazam

"The year is 3057. A struggle for power fuels a society of clans. War is constant. Victory is temporary. Cease fire is nonexistent. For a Mech Warrior, war is life and death is the only true peace."  - Alakazam

"To obtain peace, you must fight. To fight, you must obtain peace." - Alakazam

"To truly love what is out there, you must be willing to fight for it." - Alakazam